Saturday, 11 May 2013

Spelling in Term 2

Term 2 Week 2

This term in Ruma Whitu, we will be having specific spelling lessons to help us learn some of the rules and conventions around spelling. We are using a resource from The National Literacy Strategy Spelling Bank which sets out a number of objectives.

In the first week we explored the rules surrounding 'ing' and we identified three main rules when adding 'ing':

1. For most words just add 'ing

2. For words ending in 'e' drop the 'e' and add 'ing'

3. For words that have a SHORT vowel sounds (like the 'a' in bat) before the final letter DOUBLE that letter (consonant) then add the 'ing' (e.g. batting).

What was interesting that a number of the class were unable to identify what a SHORT vowel sound was as opposed to a LONG vowel sound...this is something we will work on.

Week 2 Spelling Lists

Given our focus this term is on Science, we are developing a science word bank, and our spelling lists this week also reflect this. Click on the link to be taken to your list at Spelling City :) 

Week 3

Last week we focused on learning how a prefix when added to a base word changes its meaning. We brainstormed prefixes such as pre, un, dis, de, and re and tried to identify how they changed the meaning. Our spelling lists reflect this and our continued focus on science.

Click on the link to be taken to your list at Spelling City :)

Week 4

It was great to see more students getting all their spelling words correct this week!
In week four we explored homophones (or homonyms). By breaking down homo (same) and phone (sound) we were able to work out that homophones are words that sound the same but are spelt differently and have different meanings. We started off by discussing the sentence The hare with the frizzy hair said, "Come here."
We were able to brainstorm a number of everyday words that have homophones...the most commonly confused one being  there and their (belonging to). 
Those students that don't come to kapa haka on Mondays are lucky enough to have Te Reo lessons and they have been sharing their learning with us. Our reo word this week is pene rakau.

Week 5

Last week we looked at the Jabberwocky and the concept of nonsense words. We were really interested to investigate the words in the Jabberwocky and how Lewis Carroll had used portmanteau to coin a number of words (some of which have been absorbed into the English language).

We also completed another Schonelle's spelling test which we will record in our evidence books.

Week 6

Week 7

It has been great to see more students getting 10/10 in their weekly spelling tests :) It is really obvious which students are practising their spelling. We should be practising our words each night by READ, SPELL ALOUD, COVER & WRITE before getting a family member to test us.

Week 8 

Two more weeks to go. We have been keeping a record of our results and recording them on a graph in our evidence books. Who is improving?

Click on the link to be taken to your list at Spelling City :)







  1. Love Love Love you spelling lists on your blog Ruma Whitu!!

  2. WOW Ruma Whitu! You are tino pai for using the Spelling City website to help you learn. Mighty Mayfair 12 will have to ask you for advice on how to set this up for our class. Well done! Miss T and tamariki ma from Mighty Mayfair 12!
