Wednesday, 8 May 2013

On Your Bike - Using Science to explore simple machines.

As part of our unit this term we will be 'working like scientists' to explore simple machines. The first part of our term will see us developing our content knowledge and getting a grip on the processes scientists use (the 'how') when the investigate. The second part of the term will see our students developing their own investigative questions and working in groups on a scientific inquiry.

Day 1 - Looking into levers

Today we began to explore levers using a plank, a block of wood, and a heavy concrete blog. The class got to lift the block to see how heavy it was (with only one student dropping it on their hand - Jordan!!) before setting up the experiment. Students sketched the set up and predicted what they though was going to happen. The predictions were varied, but many of them involved Mr. Pratt getting hurt! Students then had to record their observations before trying to explain using our science words  - PIVOT, LOAD, and EFFORT what was happening.

We mixed things up at the end which will be discussed further before going one step too far. Mr. Pratt was on one end of the plank with Delta, Daniel, and Timara on the other end...the outcome was shattering (see the photos below...)
Amarjit can't lift the block...

Jakob can...

Chance is balanced!

Looking worried Azariyah

How has Taylin managed to balance the load?

Why is Matiu having to use more effort?
More load and effort...I wonder what the result will be?

The Result!!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Molly...I'm sure it wasn't me. It didn't help that Timara was bouncing up and down on it!!
