Sunday, 16 June 2013

Tuakana-Teina making a Manu Iti

Tuakana-Teina Friday 14th June

This time Room 5 took on the role of the expert as they taught us how to do the Maori version of the Chicken Dance (sorry no video footage!). We then played Nines which is a continuous game of Noughts and Crosses. A number of students shone out with Ngakau showing his expertise.

The final activity saw us making a Manu Iti with our buddies to help celebrate Matariki. We had to colour a side in each and then fold it and add the tail before flying it outside under the Oak where Tawhirimatea gusted the strongest.

Karsha and Tayden!!

Mohi-Tarau looks puzzled


1 comment:

  1. Very cool Tuakana/Teina activity Rooms 5 and 7!! So awesome to see
