Saturday, 23 March 2013

Week 9 Spelling

Well there were a few teething problems with our links where not everybody could find our blog. It should be much simpler now as our blog is linked to the Mayfair School website 

So either access the blog via the school site or the direct links to the spelling lists are attached below. If you do search using google try searching using Mayfair School 2013 - Tumeke Ruma Whitu!!






There was lots of great feedback from those who were able to access the site with many enjoying the activities (especially hang-mouse with a particularly scary cat!!).

Ka kite ano

1 comment:

  1. Tu Meke Ruma Whitu - loving your blog and your online links to learning spelling. Have you tried TUTPUP?? It is a very good site for spelling, basic facts and more! Happy learning...Miss Bunny
