Monday, 25 March 2013


Great drama action from Ruma Whitu

Rongokako asking Hinerakau to marry him

Rongokako challenging other warriors

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Week 9 Spelling

Well there were a few teething problems with our links where not everybody could find our blog. It should be much simpler now as our blog is linked to the Mayfair School website 

So either access the blog via the school site or the direct links to the spelling lists are attached below. If you do search using google try searching using Mayfair School 2013 - Tumeke Ruma Whitu!!






There was lots of great feedback from those who were able to access the site with many enjoying the activities (especially hang-mouse with a particularly scary cat!!).

Ka kite ano

Saturday, 16 March 2013

Ruma Whitu Spelling - Week 8

This week sees the introduction of to help us manage our spelling lists and build our vocabulary.

By clicking on the name of your spelling group you will be taken directly to your list for the week. This link provides a number of games and activities to help you learn your words for the week. You will be able to print a list if you wish, or a handwriting activity, or play a number of games that help reinforce your spelling (Hangmouse, Word Search, Sentence Unscramble, Alphabetize to name a few).

You can all access an activity that allows can help teach how to spell your word and another that allows you to test yourself.

The groups are as follows:






There is an expectation that this will make up part of your home-learning as well as being used as an activity during reading.


Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Where has the time gone?

Wow it is 'week 7' already and we are fully into parent interviews. It has been fantastic to be able to meet whanau and talk about the learning that is happening in Ruma Whitu. It has been hugely encouraging to see the support out there for the children, the school and for me.

Currently we have been reading 'The legend of Te Mata O Rongokako - The Sleeping Giant' re-told by Annelisa Ferguson with fantastic illustrations by Sophie Blokker as part of our terms learning on Te Papa (Our Place). Groups will be putting together a small drama to retell the story which we will record and place on the blog (stay tuned!!).

Mrs Renton has linked her awesome art activities to this as well by the way of a 'contour lines' project and a layered view of 'the sleeping giant.' She has also worked with the kids on some amazing alliteration analogies!

In week 9 we will be taking the challenge of walking up the peak to get a different perspective on Heretaunga and Ahuriri. I can't wait!

In maths we have been looking at tessellations (or tiling) and exploring the patterns that can be created. For more see the Escher gallery .

There have been some fantastic recounts written about when the vintage cars, and I believe we are well on the way to being a classroom of authors in Ruma Whitu. Soon our spelling lists will be added to the blog by linking to and you will be able to complete a wide range of fun spelling related activities.

Ka kite ano